If you struggle to see clearly and require glasses or contact lenses, Chandra Gibbs, OD, can help at her private practice in Richardson, Texas. Dr. Gibbs and her team can correct your vision using glasses, regardless of the severity of vision problems you experience. Call Dr. Chandra Gibbs for an appointment today or schedule one online.

Additional Info
Dr. Gibbs and her staff offer various types of glasses and the latest frame styles available to give you 20/20 vision. You might need glasses just for reading or all of the time to maintain perfect vision.
Why might I need glasses?
You may need glasses if you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism. Signs and symptoms of vision problems include:
Blurry up-close vision
Blurry far-away vision
Distorted visionÂ
Eye strain
Eye discomfort
Problems seeing at night
Some of these symptoms may indicate you have an eye disease, which is why seeing an eye specialist at the first sign of vision problems is important.
What happens during a glasses exam?
When you arrive at Dr. Gibbs’s office for a glasses exam and vision screening, you relax in a comfortable chair. She reviews your medical history and asks about symptoms you may be experiencing. Dr. Gibbs examines your eyes using a special light. She might complete the following:
-Eye muscle tests
Dr. Gibbs assesses eye movement while you look at a moving object, such as a small light or a pen. She looks for poor coordination and muscle weakness.
-Visual acuity tests
Visual acuity tests determine how clearly you see. Dr. Gibbs asks you to identify letters or numbers on an eye chart from a distance.
-Refraction assessments
During refraction assessment, you look through various lenses. That allows Dr. Gibbs to determine which glasses lenses offer you the most comfortable, sharpest vision.
-Eye exams
Dr. Gibbs may complete a comprehensive dilated eye exam to assess your eye health. She uses eye drops to dilate your pupils and find out if you have signs or symptoms of an eye disease. Examples include glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts.
Are glasses right for me?
If you’re a good candidate for glasses, Dr. Gibbs reviews your options for lenses. She and her team can help you choose glasses and frames that best match your style preference.
Don’t live with imperfect vision when glasses can help you see clearly. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Chandra Gibbs by phone or online today.